Friday, November 20, 2009

It's a Coverage Issue.

Have you maybe seen the new Verizon commercials, well that's putting it lightly, I mean attack ads against the AT&T's Apple iPhone. They are pretty funny and to the point. It shows some chap or gal trying to access their internet on their devices, one has a random Verizon phone and one has an iPhone. The one with the Verizon phone can access the interwebs wherever they go because Verizon has “The Nations Largest 3G Network”, plus a map of Verizon's network keeps popping up over the person's head. The person with the iPhone is having some trouble, and to prove this a map of AT&T's 3G coverage pops over the other's head. End commercial with Verizon sayiong they have a larger data coverage network.
So, here comes the good stuff, AT&T is now suing Verizon for attacking their network and giving false information to potential customers. Many AT&T customers, thought this the correct thing to do since AT&T's coverage isn't that bad...or is it? Here is a nice bit of homework, go to, try and find the coverage locator. Don't worry, it's there, you just have to FIND it. Once you have, see if you can find their 3G coverage on their map. I will save you the time, you can't You can switch between voice coverage and data coverage, but please keep in mind that AT&T is including 2G and 3G in their data map. You can't break it down to 3G on their data map. Actually, if you really want to know what it is, go to Verizon's site,, select their wireless then coverage options, and they will tell you what the 3G coverage is for all of the carriers. You will also find AT&T's, and then you will see why they don't really brag about it. Their true 3G map is small, offering coverage in most major cities, but nothing outside of that. Actually, my wife has AT&T, a Blackberry to boot. It's only 2G though, and when she did have a 3G phone, it dropped it's 3G coverage when we visied me mother, who lives in a major Ohio city about 20 miles away from us. Actually, when we visited Missouri back in June, she couldn't make any calls at all. I could (I have Sprint and they convieniently don't charge me for roaming, nor do the charge me for calls to cell phones anymore, come to think of it), but that's beyond the point of Sprint being better overall and thus making this post of two overpriced companies kinda pointless.... EITHER WAY!
So during the court case, AT&T lost. Verizon didn't actually say any scathing lies, nor did they say anything that didn't display a proper use of friendly capitalism. This just goes to show you that you can't sue someone for telling the truth, and then showing a visual display of it. Now, I don't mind AT&T, but I do not like Verizon at all (Their phones and plans are ridiculously priced! Why does anyone agree to such huge prices?). Speaking of prices, do you ever see an add for Verizon displaying their prices? No, and you never will, they know they are the most expensive carrier in the US and they don't care. AT&T did make an ad to counter the Verizon attack ads, but it's kinda weak. Hoorah for casting Luke wilson to play the role of tool, but the ad really doens't address the coverage attack. As a matter of fact, to the trained ear and eye, it sounds like AT&T kinda accepts the attack and says, “So? We have better phones!” Truth is, they are right, when it comes to overall handsets, Verizon has some gems but is struggling.
I applaud Verizon for pointing out the falacy of a major company. Sprint has been doing it for years (price comparisons and what not), if everyone does it, then maybe we wouldn't have so many stupid customers flocking to verizon because they assume it's the best based on commericials.

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