Saturday, November 14, 2009

We All Saw This Coming....Don't Lie, You Knew it was Coming.

Has anyone tried one of the new Android phones? The selection is rapidly growing rapidly, so each quarter the opportunity presents itself on each provider. T-mobile has the most with the HTC G1, the HTC MyTouch, and recently the Motorola Cliq. Sprint has nicely jumped on the Andriod bandwagon with first the HTC Hero and now the Samsung Impression. Finally, Verizon is the last to join in the line-up with the Motorola Droid and another HTC Droid Eris on the way. Anyone notice something? The Android phones are the one of the best ideas on the market, and with an app store that has other 10,000 apps (since they are all open-sourced, so anyone can put anything on there) and 70% of them are free! The iPhone can't even offer that. Bonus over the iPhone, you aren't restricted to JUST signing a contract with AT&T, you can get an Android powered phone on any major carrier now. Bonus to the providers and manufacturers, Google's Android is absolutely FREE to put on any phone powerful enough to run it.
So, the question to Blackberry, Apple, and even Windows Mobile, is how do you compete? The Blackberry App Store and Windows Marketplace just recently came out (within the last six months) and though I think Apple may always have its diehard followers, the companies have to pay a large premium to use the device on their network. Even Blackberries and Windows phones are used by businesses just because they are familiar and easy to link up with their enterprise servers, but once the advantage of Andriod's easy linking with enterprise servers is realized, even those m,ight not stand a chance. Since Google's Android is running on the Linux kernel, it's easy to use, easier to modify, and, well, freakin' cheap.
We all knew Google is trying to take over the world, but this is a way no one expected. I give it another two years, you know, when contracts start expiring and upgrades become available, before Android phones completely flood and overwhelm the smartphone market share. And by the way, no, I don't have an Android phone, I have a Windows Mobile actually, but it even I can see the writing on the wall. I am sure Apple is a little scared themselves, as they watch their market of customer that have had it with their MP3 player with a wireless radio built in crap out time and time again. Is this the revolution the smartphone market has been waiting for? I think so.

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