Sunday, July 18, 2010

Too MASSive

Wow…once again is all I can say after beating Mass Effect 2. It improves on the original in almost every way possible; except for the occasional sound glitch (I mention that because towards the end of the game it happens frequently enough to be annoying). As a matter of fact let me go ahead and get my gripes out of the way now:
-Load Times: This is the year 2010, not 1999. I should not have to suffer through whole one to two minute load times each time I want to go from one section of the ship to another, which is small compared to the whole LEVELS that load in the same amount of time.
-Money: I don’t think this is true in ME1, but in ME2 there is a finite amount of money, meaning bad things. Namely, there are a ton of upgrades for weapons and armor and the ilk throughout the game. But whether it was a developmental error or what not, your first play though you can only purchase 80% of all the games upgraded items. Of this I am sure because I completed every task and extra quest in the game and still never had enough money.
-Leveling: So in the first ME1 you could reach level 60 by doing pretty much every side mission available, which is fine since in ME1 there are a ton of side missions. But in ME2, the overall game is shorter, including the side missions. To compensate, you can only reach level 30 in ME2, but then again you cannot. The reason why I say this is you cannot actually reach level 30 unless you transfer a high level character from ME1. I guess it’s a kind of series loyalty bonus thing, but really, restricting your levels is kind of a dick move. That being said, you can easily beat the game at level 20.
-Resource grinding: Is annoying and the game basically forces you to do it; at least, if you want the best possible ending. If you don’t care about that, I advise that you should, trust me. Basically, you have to mine planets for rare minerals, and it’s kinda annoying. It’s not as bad as other people have said, but it did grind on my nerves several times. But, it’s worth it in the end.
-The cover system: Has never been abused as it has been in this game. I mean really, all you have to do is wait until you get to a section with waist high walls (that actually came from Zero Punctuation) and boom, you’re in an “ambush”. It’s sadly predictable.
All gripes aside, here are the epically good things about what I consider about one of the best games ever made:
-Story: This is one of the best story’s ever told (combining both ME1 and ME2, and the grand potential of ME3). You come for the gameplay, but you stay for the grand scale of things.
-Choice. Harping on the story of the game, your decisions affect the outcome of the game greatly. You still can go all good or darkside, but be careful, because these decisions can affect how much money you make throughout the game and if people will literally live or die.
-Combat: Is awesome. I played my first game as a Vanguard class (excels at high defense and engage the enemy at close range, and has a decent), but after that started a new game game as an Infiltrator (sniper class that can go cloak and cause enemies to burst into flame or hack robotic enemies), and have to say the Infiltrator is light years above and beyond any other class. I highly suggest it. Trust me, makes all the combat in the game much easier (aim for the head). I dare say that playing the Infiltrator makes the game too easy, as I have started a new game as a female Infiltrator and I am burning through the game in half the time.
-Stat system: Easier to use, plus it include upgrade to makes your team better to a specification you could use (like doing more damage vs. AOE damage).
-Timing: The game knows just when to end, personally believing it is not too long nor too short.

I could go on, but this is a great game. If you have an Xbox 360, buy it, play it, live in good health.

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