Saturday, August 28, 2010

Punishing difficulty! Now I get it....

So, bored on my days off and bored after I have my school work done, I have picked up to trying to justify the purchase of my Wii by exclusively buying Wii games.

Well, truth is Metroid: Other M is right on the horizon and I am, perhaps, over excited to try it. While reading about Metroid: OM, I had to remind myself that I even had a Wii, it being months and months since I last played it without my wife and me attempting to plow through Mario Wii. So, I visited my local Gamestop and picked up Sin and Punishment: Star Successor since many reviews said it was good times, yet hardcore with a nostalgic nod to older rail shooting games. After playing it for a couple weeks, even convincing my wife to try co-op mode with me, we both decided that the game wasn’t fun. I even tried to just beat the game just so say I did, and after the sixth level (of eight or something), I just turned it off, wrapped it up, and headed back to Gamestop. As per my personal thoughts of Sin and Punishment: SS (lol, Nazi joke), I had no idea what the reviewers were talking about as per the “greatness” of this game. Is there no honest person out there that will just call the game for what it is?

-Graphics: Sub par and embarrassing, even by Wii standards.

-Story: Pretty much nonsense.

-Voice Acting: Haley Joel Osmond vomiting after a drunken stupor is more intelligible.

-Gameplay: Actually, good. It is a nice rail shooting game, but it’s difficult. REALLY, REALLY,
FREAKING DIFFICULT! It reminds me of StarFox if they removed everything that gives you fighting chance (like power-ups, regular health packs) and then went a step further and made the game really long, too. To clarify of that last statement, an average game of StarFox will run you maybe one-two hours. S&P will take about 5-7 hours to beat in one sitting (I say this from what I read, since I never beat it). As per length, I got to level 4 of 6 and decided during the much publicized “highway” level that I just wasn’t having fun with this game. A shooting game with a ridiculous difficulty level is not exactly my vision of relaxation

Going back to Gamestop, I traded S&P for No More Heroes. This purchase, I do not regret. More on this later.

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